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home page!
Legal Information
© Copyright 1996-2018, 2024 Jeffrey R. Charles. All Rights Reserved.
Most content of this site is covered by registered copyrights.
Versacorp (TM, SM) | Omniramix (TM) | ||
Accessories for Telescopes & Other Optical Instruments: DiaGuider, VersAgonal, VersaScope Adapter, Related Interfaces | Panoramic and Immersive Imaging: Wide Angle Optics, Accessories, and Related Technology Transfer | ||
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VersAgonal (TM) U.S. Pat. D310,381 |
DiaGuider (TM) U.S. Pat. D310,676 |
Omnirama (TM) U.S. Pat. 6,333,826 |
OmniLens (TM) U.S. Pat. 6,449,103 |
Versacorp (SM) Engineering Services
Inquiries related to engineering or the purchase of special order products may be directed to: sales *at* versacorp.com
Inquiries related to licensing patent and technology rights are invited. Please contact the Technology Transfer department at: sales *at* versacorp.com
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Versacorp (TM) Technology Transfer Opportunities:
Technology Transfer Opportunities, for:
For information about licensing patent or technology rights, please contact the Technology Transfer department at: sales *at* versacorp.com
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Versacorp (TM) Optical Instrumentation:
Please E-mail product related inquiries (including orders or requests for information about purchasing standard or special order products) to: sales *at* versacorp.com
For information about licensing patent or technology rights, please contact the Technology Transfer department at: sales *at* versacorp.com
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Omniramix (TM) Optical Instrumentation:
Omniramix (TM, SM) is a division of Versacorp
Please E-mail product related inquiries to: sales *at* versacorp.com
For information about purchasing standard or special order products, please contact: sales *at* versacorp.com
For information about licensing patent or technology rights, please contact the Technology Transfer department at: sales *at* versacorp.com
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Miscellaneous Optical Instrumentation:
Please E-mail product related inquiries and orders to: sales *at* versacorp.com
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Versacorp (TM, SM)
and Versacorp-related Publications:
Instruction Manuals, Telescope Adapter Plans, & Other Documents;
some available as
licensed "Shareware"; plus books and multimedia by
Versacorp and Versacorp personnel.
Books and Media by Versacorp & Versacorp Personnel | Versacorp Publications | ||
Books | Books/CD/Video/Images | Manuals | Tech. Info |
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Instruction Manuals for Versacorp
Products (Temp. Un-available) |
Versacorp Telescope
Adapter Machine Drawings (Amateur Astronomer's "Plumbing Manual") Available as "Shareware" Date TBD. |
Practical Astrophotography, a book by Jeffrey R. Charles (ISBN 1-85233-023-6) Published by: Springer-Verlag as Part of the "Practical Astronomy" Series. Available at popular book stores, including Border Books / amazon.com This informative book captures the effective ways Jeffrey Charles learned astrophotography, sometimes through trial and error. Included are many tips about photography of planets, nebulae, eclipses, and more, plus a sample check list for travel and an astrophotography exposure guide. Covered are use of a wide range of telescopes and camera lenses, but the emphasis is on what can be done smaller aperture telescopes because these are what more people have. If you like the astrophotography related articles at the versacorp.com and eclipsechaser.com web sites, you'll really like this book! ---------------------- It is envisioned that a CD (if approved by the publisher) intended for use with this book will eventually be available for sale. If implemented, CD would include color image files for most photos in the book, plus minor updates or errata notes. On line errata notes may also be available at this link in the future. ---------------------- Prices and availability for all items at this site and any linked sites are subject to change without notice. |
Eclipse Chaser's Guide to... WOW by Jeffrey R. Charles CD: Navagable CD of Eclipse Chaser web site, plus high resolution 360 degree VR eclipse site images. (Updated version should be available late 2018.) Video: An eclipse video is unlikely, partly because the first 4 eclipses were shot in analog SD video, and there is little 2017 footage of anything but the eclipse itself. A 2-hour digitally edited chronicle of 5 total solar eclipse expeditions had been planned. If a video is made, it may just be posted on a video site, preceded by video ad, but not banner overlays. Book: Hard copy book is unlikely, partly because printing costs are high for a book with images that could rival large HDTV and computer displays. Available now from Versacorp: CD: EclipseChaser web site (with extra images): $19.95 including CONUS shipping. Version with larger pix may be avail. late 2018. Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Images and more: Prints, electronic files, and licenses are available for individual images and groups of images (photographs and other visual arts), as are licenses for software, music, screen plays, production rights, trademarks, and other Versacorp intellectual property. Please contact sales *at* versacorp dot com for specifics. |
DiaGuider Misc. adapters, accessories VersAdapter VersAgonal All Temporarily Unavailable: |
Introduction Technical info about anodizing and tolerances Selected dimensions for B&L, Celestron, Meade, Questar, O.T.I./Davro and Other Telescopes All Temporarily Unavailable: Basic Servicing of SCT Telescopes (See Tech. Papers Below) Test Data for Dozens of Camera Lenses (See 2017 Eclipse Journal) |
Unless otherwise noted,
all printed and media items have a
$4 shipping & handing charge (per order, not per item)
for continential U.S. Please inquire about shipping to other
destinations. Prices, specifications, and availability of all items shown or described here or elsewhere at the versacorp.com and eclipsechaser.com web sites are subject to change without notice. |
Additional Versacorp Publications and Products:
Please E-mail inquiries to: sales *at* versacorp.com
For information about discontinued or special order products, engineering of custom items, technical writing services, or licensing patent or technology rights, please contact Jeffrey R. Charles at: jcharles *at* versacorp.com.
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All material in this section © Copyright 1975-1996 and 1997-2018, Jeffrey R. Charles, All Rights Reserved. Use of this material is subject to the Terms and Conditions posted at this web page. In downloading material from this web page or transferring said material from a cache, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions.
Please note that names of links which do NOT presently have destination files are followed by the suffix "". In order to allow expeditious viewing by persons with slow internet connections, most articles will initially load as "text only" documents. Relevant images and captions will typically be on separately linked pages at the end of each article. I would like to know the proportion of visitors who have slow internet connections, and if these incremental loading features prove to be useful. Please E-mail comments and inquiries to: jcharles *at* versacorp.com
For information about engineering and technical writing services, purchasing special order products, or licensing patent or technology rights, please contact Jeffrey R. Charles at: jcharles *at* versacorp.com.
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Welcome to the
home page alias!
Here, you will find information about the EclipseChaser home page.
Home of the
Eclipse Chaser's Guide to...
and the Eclipse Chaser's Journal
© Copyright 1997-2006 Jeffrey R. Charles, All Rights Reserved.
Most content of this site covered by registered copyrights.
Click here to go to the EclipseChaser Home Page at:
or preview the linked EclipseChaser table of contents below.
All material in the EclipseChaser web page and
associated web pages © Copyright 1975-2004 Jeffrey R. Charles.
All Rights Reserved. Astrophotographer's Journal,
ALAT, ARDOC, Eclipse Chaser's Guide, Eclipse Chaser's Journal, eclipsechaser.com, eclipsemovie.com,
versacorp.com, and associated concepts, data, designs, images, and other elements are the property
of Jeffrey R. Charles. All content is protected by intellectual property laws. Any form of
reproduction or posting of any part of any associated document at web sites other than
"eclipsechaser.com", "eclipsemovie.com", or "versacorp.com", or any
commercial use (such as in a seminar, product, program, broadcast, publication, or motion picture)
of data or other material in this web page, or of related material by the same author (whether said
material was obtained directly or indirectly) without including this notice and without the prior
express written consent of Jeffrey R. Charles is strictly prohibited. Any use other than for
private, non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Use of this material is subject certain
Terms and Conditions. In using this site, downloading material from it,
or transferring said material from a cache, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and
conditions. For information about the licensing and/or purchase of images and/or articles (or
related book, movie, patent, or technology rights) please contact Jeffrey R. Charles at jcharles
*at* versacorp.com.
In order to allow expeditious viewing by persons with slow internet connections, most articles at
eclipsechaser.com will initially load as "text only" documents. Relevant images and captions will
typically be on separately linked pages at the end of each article.
The Eclipse Chaser's Guide to... WOW!
Registered Copyright MCMXCVIII by Jeffrey R. Charles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The following eclipse documents are currently at the EclipseChaser.com site. A few are repeated in the Versacorp web page.
Eclipse Chaser's Journal
Registered Copyrights MCMXCVIII, MMXVII by Jeffrey R. Charles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
EclipseMovie Contents:
Registered Copyright MCMXCVIII by Jeffrey R. Charles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
EclipseMovie Home Page (http://www.eclipsechaser.com/eclipsemovie)
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Total Solar Eclipse Photo Gallery
Registered Copyrights MCMXCVIII, MMXVII by Jeffrey R. Charles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Astronomy and Eclipse Images by Jeffrey R. Charles
Registered Copyright MCMXCVIII for Eclipse Images by Jeffrey R. Charles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Need information about eclipses for your planetarium, motion picture, or other project? Jeffrey R. Charles performs science consulting in regard to eclipse phenomena and instrumentation. Please direct inquiries to Jeffrey R. Charles (jcharles *at* versacorp.com) or click here for more information about total solar eclipse related science and engineering consulting.
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Versacorp (TM, SM) is a business that is dedicated to the development and marketing of highly innovative and versatile products, services, and technologies that encompass many fields.
Versacorp was founded in 1983 near Estes Park, Colorado, by Jeffrey R. Charles. Versacorp began as a merger of the Jeffrey R. Charles' photography and art business (photography services, custom enlargements, drawings, exhibits, etc.); related marketing publication (e.g. brochure, etc.) design business; and camera and instrument repair and sales business. At the same time, Mr. Charles' "JRC Designs" (TM, SM) business also came under the umbrella of Versacorp. This aspect of the business also involves photography, but emphasizes a wide range of new technology development and related speculative product and intellectual property (IP) marketing. The name "Versacorp" was originated for the business because it was descriptive of the many encompassed markets and the versatile nature of the original and planned products, services, and technology.
The first Versacorp-designed product (not counting artwork) was the VersAdapter (TM), a multiple function photographic and visual adapter for telescopes and other optical systems. Several months later, Versacorp moved its operations to Arizona, and, with an advertisement in the January 1984 issue of Sky and Telescope magazine, began to internationally market a variety of its products, including the highly innovative VersAgonal (TM), a multiple function photo-visual flip mirror attachment for telescopes, surveillance instruments, microscopes, and other optical systems.
In the next few years, Versacorp performed a variety of services including several types of repair and consulting engineering. Versacorp also obtained several patents, transferred some of its technology to licensees, and marketed (wholesale and retail) many additional products. By 1991, Versacorp had introduced more than 80 new optical, mechanical, electronic, and published products, some of which are still on the market today. While many Versacorp products relate to optics, other past and present Versacorp products, services, and technologies encompass a wide variety of additional markets including aerospace, astronomy, consulting, engineering, industrial equipment, sporting goods, surplus items (including miscellaneous items), transportation, furnishings, novelties, toys, games, ornamental design, publications, photography; film, video and digital cameras, video accessories; video production, custom machining, and more. Up through 1991, Versacorp was also a dealer for Questar and Vernonscope instruments, and Versacorp customers have ranged from individuals, to universities, to the NASA funded Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
In 1993, Versacorp moved its operations to California and began to place more emphasis on IP and services. At this time, Versacorp discontinued some of its simpler astronomy related products in favor of a smaller number of more versatile multifunction products. In 1996, Versacorp began to emphasize Internet marketing of its products, services, and technology. Services were expanded to include image processing, web page design, technical writing, screen writing, editing, referrals, science consulting, design engineering, conceptual design, and system engineering. Products, technologies, and other intellectual property developed or introduced during this time include airborne and space platforms, communications, medical, software, written works (including action, historical, science fiction, and technical), and new technology for 360 degree panoramic imaging. By 1997, Versacorp had built on its founder's 1980's wide angle imaging concepts to go beyond 360 degree panoramic imaging and developed technology for true one shot full sphere imaging and associated virtual reality environments. Versacorp subsequently obtained related utility patents encompassing over 100 claims. In 2000, the founder of Versacorp authored the book "Practical Astrophotography", which is published by Springer-Verlag.
More recent Versacorp products, services, technology, and other IP
holdings include the fields of architecture and site design, digital
imaging, microscopes, scanning mirrors, and automotive parts.
Versacorp currently offers most of its previously available
services and many of its previously introduced products, as well
as technology transfer and other licensing opportunities for all
aspects of its intellectual property (IP). More recently, Versacorp
has been using some of its web space to promote technology transfer
for its patented and patent pending panoramic and full sphere virtual
reality technologies. Performing Arts works (mostly lyrics and some
music) were included in available IP by 2011.
Those interested in licensing Versacorp technology or other
Versacorp intellectual property are invited to contact the
Technology Transfer Department at: license *at* versacorp.com.
More information can be found through links in this web page and in
conditions of use for this web site.
If it's innovative, it's by Versacorp! (TM, SM)
About this web site: This web site includes information about Versacorp engineering services, optical instrumentation and technology. It also includes technical articles and links relating to astronomy, total solar eclipses, and more! It is administered by Jeffrey R. Charles and served by KTB. Please send Versacorp E-mail to: sales *at* versacorp.com and personal E-mail to: jcharles *at* versacorp.com. For expeditious navigation, minimal graphics are used in the table of contents. To view each item or directory, click on the appropriate blue or pink type in the above top level T.O.C., or in the expanded T.O.C.
The expanded table of contents near the top of this web page shows most items that are included in, and envisioned to be included in, this web page. Some items are still under construction; therefore, some links do not presently have destination files. Links that do NOT presently have complete or matching files are followed by the suffix "***". If links without this suffix do not work, try using the "reload" feature on your browser.
The content of this web page is intended to be equivalent to a "G"
movie rating, so it should be suitable for visitors of all ages. The content of first level
(i.e. "direct") links from this web page should be equivalent to a "G" or
"PG" rating. Please E-mail Versacorp if you find that any of
the direct links are not equivalent to a "G" or "PG" rating. Thank you.
This web site is intended to promote interest in Versacorp products and intellectual property. Material from this or any associated web page may not be broadcast, published, or otherwise reproduced unless the following and linked conditions on the Legal Information Page have been read and agreed to by the subject users, broadcasters, publishers, or their legal representatives, and unless those using the material have paid the specified royalties. Accordingly, anyone who reproduces, broadcasts, distributes, or commercially uses material from this or any associated web page shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the linked Legal Information Page, and shall thereby be liable for at least the royalties specified therein, whether or not Versacorp is aware of, or provides notice of, any alleged unauthorized use.
© Copyright 1975-2006, Jeffrey R. Charles. All Rights Reserved.
All content is protected by intellectual property laws. Any use
other than for private, individual, non-commercial purposes is strictly
prohibited. Unauthorized use is subject to being prosecuted to the full
extent of the law. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all material in
this web site is the intellectual property of, and is written or produced
by, Jeffrey R. Charles. Material at this web site may only be downloaded
by individuals for their own private non-commercial use, subject to
the conditions herein. Those wishing to use material from this web
page in commercial applications should direct their inquiries to
Jeffrey R. Charles (jcharles *at* versacorp.com).
For information about licensing Versacorp patent, technology,
publication, or trademark rights, please
contact sales *at* versacorp.com.
In addition to other indicated restrictions, the following conditions apply to all limited and unlimited use of all concepts, documents, data, designs, images, inventions, trademarks, or other material written or produced by Jeffrey R. Charles, served under or transferred from this web page or other pages at the domains "versacorp.com" or "eclipsechaser.com", or derived from material therein, whether said material was obtained directly or indirectly: Any form of reproduction or posting of any part of this document or any associated material at web sites other than eclipsechaser.com or versacorp.com, or any commercial use thereof (including use in a seminar, product, program, publication, broadcast, or motion picture) of data or other content of this web site and the eclipsechaser.com web site, or of related material by the same author (whether said material was obtained directly or indirectly) without including this notice and without the prior express written consent of Jeffrey R. Charles and all applicable contributors is strictly prohibited.
Permitted private non-commercial use, reproduction, and affixing any part of subject material to any permanent media (including magnetic, optical or printed media) is permitted only on the condition that every copy or fixation of said material; is not altered, modified or defaced; includes references to this home page and the names of all applicable articles and authors; and that all names, patent notices, copyright notices, authorship notices and credits are either left unmodified or are prominently displayed in or immediately adjacent to each image and article. It shall also be prominently indicated on every copy or fixation of said material that commercial and intellectual property rights to data and other material therein are not transferable.
In downloading material from this web page or transferring said material from a cache, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions. For information about the purchase of products and/or the license or purchase of designs, images and/or articles or related book, movie, patent, or technology rights, please contact Jeffrey R. Charles.
The trademarks (and service markes or trade names, as indicated) DiaGuider (TM, local use 1983, first interstate and international use 1984), eclipsechaser.com (1997), Eclipse Chaser's Guide to... WOW! (1997), Eclipse Chaser's Journal (1997), EZ Level (1997), Jeffrey R. Charles (TM, SM 1974), Jeffrey R. Charles Productions (1995), JRC Designs (TM, SM 1980), JRC Productions (1991), jrcharles.com (2004), MicroDec (1986), MicroStar (1988), Nerdabilia (1996), Omniflector (1997), OmniLens (1988), Omnimmersion (1998), Omnimmersive (1998), Omnirama (1997), Omniramic (1997), Omniramix (1998), OmniSales (1997), OmniVR (1998), OptiDisc (1987), Sun Zapper (1997), The Reality of Virtual Reality (1997), Total Immersion (1997), Total Immersion VR (1997), Total VR (1997), Versacorp (TM, SM, TN, 1983, interstate and international use in many fields since 1984), versacorp.com (TM, SM, 1996), versacorp.co.uk (2005), versacorp.de (2005), versacorp.us (2004), VersAdapter (1983), VersaDrawer (1987), VersaFinder (1987), Versaflector (1997), VersaFocus (1985), VersaGallery (2004), VersAgonal (1984), VersaGuider (1984), VersaJeff (1999), VersaModule (1983), Versarama (1997), VersaScope (telescopes 1987, other optics 1997), VersaStuff (2004), VersaWheel (1990), VidFinder (1990) and associated concepts, data, designs, images, and other elements shown and described in this or related documents or communications are the sole property of Jeffrey R. Charles and are subject to the same conditions as the other material at this site and any additional protections under trademark law.
Prices, specifications, and availability of all items shown or described at the versacorp.com and eclipsechaser.com web sites (and in related brochures, advertisements, and communications), and conditions of use for both web sites and related web sites, are subject to change without notice. Additional terms, conditions, restrictions and disclaimers apply. Some of these are set forth in each particular document and in the linked Legal Information Page.
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Information Request/ Shareware & Product
Registration/ Order Form Alias
The form is under construction.
Please direct all product sales inquiries to: sales *at* versacorp *dot* com
.Please direct all licensing inquiries to: sales *at* versacorp *dot* com.
Sunland, CA 91040
(Full contact information is in the linked
Legal Information Page.)
Phone (please leave message and Email or postal address): 818-352-2241
Archived Previous Versions of Versacorp.com Home Page:
The following listed documents are not linked to this web page,
but can be accessed by appending the ".com" part of the URL
(in the address line of your web browser) with the following numbers:
* To see the version of 24 April, 1997, enter "/vlink/orderfrm/orderfrm970424e090816.htm"
Retro browser friendly site! Written for Netscape 2 and newer browsers.
Originated: 3 June, 1996
Text Last Modified: 19 Dec. 2017
Links Last Modified: 7 Oct. 2018, 28 April, 2024