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Versacorp Astro Accessories, Contents:
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The multi-function DiaGuider, shown on a Schmidt - Cassegrain telescope. The DiaGuider is a combined 1.25 inch diagonal, flip mirror, and fully adjustable off-axis guider - all in one! It facilitates simultaneous attachment of an eyepiece and camera. The DiaGuider has consistently been the most popular Versacorp accessory since its introduction in 1987. | The DiaGuider has T-threads, so it can be adapted to a wide variety of telescopes and cameras. Shown with the DiaGuider are a T-adapter for a 1.25 inch focuser, a low profile adapter for a Celestron or Meade Cassegrain telescope, and an adapter for a 2 inch focuser. The price of the DiaGuider includes any one of these adapters. |
If you want an affordable accessory to acquire your subject or guide while using your film or CCD camera, then the DiaGuider is the ideal choice. Elegant and easy to use, the DiaGuider performs multiple functions! Most importantly, you can use the DiaGuider to instantly switch the image of your subject between your eyepiece and camera! This capability is a necessity when you are trying to locate a faint object with on tiny CCD sensor. If you use a 20 mm or longer eyepiece in the DiaGuider, your angular visual field will be up to five times as wide as that of your CCD camera, making acquisition of your subject much easier!
Once you have located your subject, the unique patented DiaGuider (U.S. Patent D310,676) allows you to instantly switch the image of your subject to the camera without refocusing. Just pull up on the eyepiece holder and the image of the subject is on your CCD! In addition, the DiaGuider's telescoping eyepiece sleeve allows you to parfocalize a wide variety of eyepieces with your camera.
The DiaGuider is equally easy to use with film cameras. Even better, the DiaGuider is also a fully adjustable off-axis guider! When the eyepiece holder is pulled just short of all the way up, the diagonal reflector in the DiaGuider is properly placed for off-axis guiding with the use of your reticle eyepiece or auto guider. By combining the functions of a flip mirror and off-axis guider, the DiaGuider can be used effectively even with most systems that have minimal back focus capability!
Not only is the DiaGuider a useful subject acquisition and guiding accessory, it is also a quality 1-1/4 inch star diagonal! The precision reflector used in the DiaGuider makes it excellent for visual observation.
The DiaGuider lets you take pictures through your telescope without juggling accessories! The astronomer friendly design of the DiaGuider can make your telescope camera friendly, so you can really enjoy astrophotography!
The DiaGuider is available in two models. The popular Basic DiaGuider is described above. The even more popular Deluxe DiaGuider has all of the above features, plus many more, including:
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Left: The patented Deluxe DiaGuider (TM) was first introduced in 1987. With its prism assembly down as shown in the front view at left, the DiaGuider is a high quality star diagonal. With the prism partway up as shown at right, the DiaGuider is an adjustable off-axis guider, and with the prism all the way up, it is a simple camera adapter. The vertically adjustable prism of the DiaGuider makes it well suited to visually acquiring objects for electronic imaging or film protography. Other built-in user friendly features include an adjustable height eyepiece holder to parfocalize an eyepiece with a camera, and a manual shutter to simplify acquiring dark frames with electronic imagers or to interrupt long manually guided deep sky exposures. The fully captive rear roatating T-threads permit secure rotation of a camera without risk of the rear thread assembly falling off. The Basic DiaGuider is similar to the Deluxe version shown above except that it has a fixed height eyepiece holder, fixed rear T-threads that use a lock ring to adjust camera rotation, and lacks the manual shutter. |
Technical Information:
Back Focus: The distance from the front T-thread of the Basic DiaGuider to the focal plane is 115 mm (4.5 inches). The distance from the front T-thread of the Deluxe DiaGuider to the focal plane is 120 mm (4.7 inches). These figures include the standardized 55 mm distance from the front of a T-ring to the focal plane of a 35 mm camera. Therefore, the depth of the Basic DiaGuider alone is 60 mm (115 mm - 55 mm) and the depth of the Deluxe DiaGuider is 65 mm.
Coincidence of the right angle and straight through image planes is typically within 1 mm (.040 inches). Most CCD cameras will require the universal CCD camera adapter (Part No. 1610). This adapter attaches to CCD cameras having either a T-thread or a 1-1/4 inch sleeve and is capable of placing the focal plane of most CCD cameras at the standard 55 mm distance from the reat T-thread of the DiaGuider. Some CCD cameras can be coupled slightly closer to the DiaGuider if desired, resulting in less overall back focus.
35 mm cameras require a T-ring. These are typically available at your local camera store. (Versacorp does not sell T-rings).
The visual focal plane for the Basic DiaGuider is 10 mm (0.4 inches) above the eyepiece holder sleeve, allowing most standard eyepieces, 12 mm reticle eyepieces, and autoguiders to be parfocalized with the rear photographic focal plane.
The telescoping eyepiece sleeve on the Deluxe DiaGuider allows nearly any eyepiece or auto guider to be parfocalized with the rear photographic focal plane. The visual focal plane is adjustable from 21 mm (0.8 inches) above the eyepiece sleeve, to 5 mm (0.2 inches) below it.
Popular 0.63x reducer/correctors can be used in front of the DiaGuider when it is used with most internally focusing Cassegrain telescopes. The reducer/corrector typically operates at about 0.6x on the Basic DiaGuider and 0.57x on the Deluxe DiaGuider when used in this configuration.
Some 0.5x T-thread telecompressors can be used behind the DiaGuider. Guiding with these rear mounted telecompressors typically requires the use of a 50 mm (2 inch) eyepiece extender.
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The multi-function VersAgonal, shown on a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. The VersAgonal system is a 2 inch diagonal with 1.25 inch adapter, a flip mirror, a visual Barlow, a photographic Barlow, a visual telecompressor, a photographic telecompressor, an eyepiece projection adapter, a manual shutter, and a radially adjustable off-axis guider. The VersAgonal allows simultaneous attachment of an eyepiece and camera, where the image can be switched to either one. | The VersAgonal with its standard attachments, the VersAdapter (TM), VersaGuider (TM), and a telescope T-adapter. The VersAdapter adapts 1.25 inch eyepieces to both the top and back of the VersAgonal, as well as facilitating eyepiece projection photography. The patented (U.S. Patent D311,923) radially adjustable spear prism VersaGuider is inserted into the top of the VersAgonal for use. Introduced in 1984, the VersAgonal is still the premier telescope enhancement accessory! |
The unique patented VersAgonal (Versatile Diagonal) combines the functions of several visual photographic and photographic accessories into one compact system. Only about the same size and weight as a standard 2 inch diagonal, the VersAgonal is the simple and convenient alternative to the multiplicity of accessories formerly required to provide a comprehensive visual and photographic accessory system.
With just the turn of a knob, you can instantly switch the telescope image between your eyepiece and a film or CCD camera. Now you can:
Three visual magnifications and four photographic focal lengths are at your fingertips, selectable with just the turn of a knob. You don't even have to look away from your eyepiece! Only the VersAgonal offers such a large number of built-in features, most selectable with just the turn of a knob. On cold nights, such convenience is not just a luxury, it's a necessity! Some astronomers have said the VersAgonal can "do just about everything but walk the dog!" If you want the very best, you'll choose the VersAgonal!
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The patented VersAgonal (U.S. Patents D295,871 and D310,381) allows its built-in optics to be used in a variety of combinations. It provides three visual magnifications and four photographic focal lengths with just the flip of a knob! The left figure shows the front section of the VersAgonal with its built-in Barlow lens. The next figure shows the rear section with its built-in 1/10 wave diagonal flip mirror, telecompressor, and manual shutter. The mirror is shown flipped up, where it will allow the image to reach a camera mounted behind the VersAgonal. | The next figure shows the diagonal mirror flipped down, where it will reflect the image to an eyepiece. The right figure shows the built-in telecompressor (or Barlow, in models having two Barlow lenses) flipped down in the visual position, where it utilizes a stop on the diagonal mirror support. The telecompressor swings all the way down to the photographic position when the diagonal mirror is flipped up. The front Barlow lens can also be used in both visual and photo positions. Both the Barlow and telecompressor can be used together in their photographic positions. |
Technical Information:
The distance from the front T-thread of the VersAgonal to the focal plane is 160 mm (6.3 inches). This distance corresponds to the effective optical distance at prime focus. The back focus distance is 170 mm (6.7 inches) when the rear 48 mm filter holder is used. The optical distance to the focal plane is only 130 mm when the built-in 1.5x Barlow is used, but it is 230 mm when the built-in 0.65x telecompressor is used. Most refractors and other telescopes having rack and pinion focusers do not have adequate back focus to allow use with the built-in telecompressor. Accordingly, it is recommended that the VersAgonal is ordered with a second built-in Barlow lens (2x or 3x) instead of the telecompressor if it is to be used on any telescope other than an internally focusing Cassegrain instrument.
The relative visual magnifications provided by the VersAgonal's built-in selectable optics are typically about 0.65x, 1x, and 1.5x, as compared to a telescope's normal magnification with a given eyepiece. The relative photographic focal lengths are typically about 0.65x, 1x, 1.4x, and 1.9x, as compared to a telescope's normal focal length. The VersaGuider allows guiding at all four of the focal lengths available at the rear image plane and utilizes a large enough prism to intercept the entirety of an f/10 light cone, so it facilitates a bright guide star image but does not allow "on-axis" guiding with most systems. For on-axis guiding, an optional customized miniature prism tip is available by special order for the VersaGuider. Other special order options include a built-in beamsplitter or a slide in beamsplitter insert for the VersAgonal.
If the VersAgonal is ordered with a second built-in Barlow lens instead of the telecompressor, the relative visual magnifications will be about 1x, 1.5x, and 2x. (Or 1x, 1.5x, and 3x, in the case of a 3x Barlow). The relative photographic focal lengths can be customized at time of order to be either 1x, 1.5x, 2.6x, and 3.8x, or 1x, 1.9x, 2x, and 3.8x with the 2x Barlow, and 1x, 1.5x, 4x, and 5.5x, or 1x, 1.9x, 3x, and 5.5x with the 3x Barlow. The 3x Barlow introduces visible visible field curvature at the photographic focal plane when used with telescopes having an f/ratio faster than about f/10, so the 2x Barlow is recommended for most applications. Where the VersAgonal utilizes two Barlow lenses, the VersaGuider allows guiding at two of the four focal lengths available at the rear image plane.
Other built-in optics, such as a filter or high magnification projection lens, can also be substituted for the telecompressor on a custom basis. Please inquire by letter or E-mail regarding requirements and pricing if you are interested.
The distance from the rear T-thread of the VersAgonal to the focal plane is 55 mm, which is the standard distance from the front of a T-ring to the focal plane of a 35 mm camera. Coincidence of the right angle and straight through image planes is typically within 1.5 mm (.060 inches). Most CCD cameras will require the universal CCD camera adapter. This adapter attaches to CCD cameras having either a T-thread or a 1-1/4 inch sleeve.
35 mm cameras require a T-ring. These are typically available at your local camera store.
The visual focal plane for the VersAgonal is 10 mm (0.4 inches) above the 2 inch eyepiece holder sleeve, allowing most standard eyepieces to be parfocalized with the rear photographic focal plane. The telescoping eyepiece sleeve and built-in Barlow on the VersaGuider allows nearly any reticle eyepiece or auto guider to be parfocalized with the rear photographic focal plane.
Popular 0.63x reducer/correctors can be used in front of the VersAgonal when it is used with certain larger internally focusing Cassegrain telescopes (such as some C14 telescopes) which have a very long back focus distance. The reducer/corrector typically operates at slightly less than 0.5x when used in this configuration.
The VersAgonal design is optimized for Refractors and Cassegrain reflectors. It is not intended for use with most Newtonian telescopes.
Optional built-in features such as a filter drawer, beam splitter, combined tilting and sliding guiding prism, third optical port, or finder objective can be incorporated into your VersAgonal as a custom modification at time of order. All of these features except the finder objective can also be retrofitted to an existing VersAgonal. Prices for each of these features range from $399 to $799. Pease inquire by letter or E-mail if you are interested.
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The MicroStar is a versatile multiple knife edge (Ronchi Grating) focusing accessory which is used in the convenient right angle 1-1/4 inch eyepiece holder of the DiaGuider or VersAgonal.
The MicroStar can also be used directly behind a telescope when combined with the universal CCD camera adapter, and it can easily be calibrated to match the back focal distance of most CCD and film cameras.
When the MicroStar is ordered WITH either a DiaGuider, VersAgonal, universal CCD camera adapter, or the VersAdapter, Versacorp can custom calibrate it at no charge (by request) to match the focal plane of a 35 mm camera when it is used with the matching co-ordered accessory. (A charge of 10.00 plus return shipping applies when the MicroStar is calibrated for a previously purchased Versacorp accessory.) Now you can quickly and easily set the telescope focus for your camera! The MicroStar focusing attachment. Simply the best!
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The VersaScope adapter is shown above with the patented DiaGuider on a 300 mm f/4.5 ED Nikkor lens. With a good lens, the VersaScope adapter and DiaGuider produce the ultimate in a portable photovisual telescope! The unique VersaScope adapter has an integral 2x Barlow lens which allows the DiaGuider to be used on many 300 mm and longer camera lenses. In order to accommodate the VersaScope adapter's protruding Barlow lens cell, the camera lens it is used with must have an unobstructed rear recessed area that is at least 32 mm in diameter and 35 mm deep. Now you can utilize the excellent optical quality of ED Nikkor and other lenses for visual observation! In addition, the VersaScope Adapter allows you to utilize all of the convenient functions of the DiaGuider with your lens.(Camera and lens not included.)
The VersaScope adapter was initially developed as an accessory to allow photo visual use of compact ED Nikkor lenses at a total solar eclipse, but it has applications in many other fields, including general astronomy and bird watching. It is available in two versions. VersaScope adapter 1552 has Female T-threads in the front and male T-threads on the rear. The front threads accept popular reverse T-adapters to facilitate use with lenses having various mounts. It can also be used with some T-mount lenses.
VersaScope adapter 1553 has male 52 mm threads on the front and male T-threads on the rear. It must be used with the Nikon BR3 ring, which is available at many photo dealers. The VersaScope adapter works best on ED Nikkor lenses when they are used at f/ratios of f/4 or slower. An f/ratio of f/5.6 or slower is recommended for high magnifications. When VersaScope adapter 1553 is ordered at the same time as a DiaGuider, Versacorp can calibrate it to match the focus scale on most ED Nikkor lenses.
By special order, the VersaScope adapter can be supplied with a 3x Barlow instead of its standard 2x. Due to its greater field curvature, the 3x Barlow is recommended only in cases where the VersaScope adapter must be used with a camera lens having a rear recessed area that is too shallow to accommodate the standard 2x Barlow.
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This telecompressor fits most CCD cameras which accept standard 28.5 x 0.6 mm thread eyepiece filters. It also fits many other CCD cameras when used with the Versacorp Universal CCD Camera Adapter. The longitudinal position of the telecompressor is adjustable to allow different magnifications and adaptation to various CCD imagers and autoguiders. It can also be used with C-Mount video cameras in conjunction with Versacorp 1.25 inch C-Mount adapter No. 1633.
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The VersaFocus (TM) is a combined CCD camera adapter and focuser which facilitates limited but precise focusing with virtually none of the image shift associated with the internal focusing mechanism of most commercial SCTs. It must be used with Versacorp telecompressor No. 1561 or other optics having 28.5 mm eyepiece filter threads. The VersaFocus fits between the DiaGuider, VersAgonal, or other T-thread optical system and your CCD camera, and facilitates precise focusing by moving only the telecompressor or other optic which is installed within it.
The VersaFocus has female T-threads on the front and is only 5 cm in diameter and 3 cm long. It accepts CCD cameras having either a T-thread or a 1.25 inch diameter nose piece. Since the VersaFocus accepts 28.5 mm thread optics, it is compatible with the top section of many imported orthoscopic and other eyepieces, and when used with such optics, it works for both CCD and film cameras! Now you can focus even planetary images with ease!
A dedicated focusing lens of minimal optical power will be available for the VersaFocus in the near future.
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This stop ring is used to allow repeatable positioning of a 1.25 inch eyepiece. This is useful to parfocalize an eyepiece with a camera, etc., when it is used with a flip mirror or other attachment. Recommended for use with the Basic DiaGuider.
The recommended distance from the rear T-thread flange of the DiaGuider or VersAgonal to the focal plane is 55 mm, which corresponds to the standard distance from the front of a T-ring to the focal plane of a 35 mm camera. Most CCD cameras require the Universal CCD Camera Adapter if they are to be effectively parfocalized with your eyepiece. This adapter is used to interface CCD cameras having either a T-thread or a 1-1/4 inch sleeve (and a flange to focal plane distance between 5 and 22 mm) with a 2 inch focuser or the rear T-thread of the DiaGuider, VersAgonal, and even some "T-mount"camera lenses! The universal CCD camera adapter also adapts the MicroStar focusing attachment and a 1.25 inch eyepiece to the back of any 2 inch focuser or T-thread optical system, acting as a previewer to facilitate easy focusing and location and centering of dim subjects with virtually any telescope.
The VersAdapter adapts 1.25 inch eyepieces to both the top and back of the VersAgonal, as well as facilitating eyepiece projection photography. It also performs the following functions with most other T-thread optical systems:
The VersAdapter can be made in custom lengths and with a >2 inch shoulder stop by special order. Part No. 1626. The standard VersAdapter (part 1625) is black anodized, but custom length versions generally are not.
Adapts C-Mount and CS Mount video cameras to a 1.25 inch focuser or eyepiece holder. Accepts standard 28.5 x 0.6 mm thread eyepiece filters.
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The Versacorp VersAgonal and DiaGuider are shown here, with related multi-function adapters and other accessories. |
Currently available Versacorp products and adapter rings are described above. Some of these adapters perform multiple functions. In the past, Versacorp has manufactured many special purpose adapters which allowed accessories from one manufacturer (such as Celestron or Meade) to be used on telescopes from another manufacturer (such as B&L, Quantum, or Questar). While Versacorp no longer manufactures most of these special purpose adapters, some stock is still available. Click here to see a separate document which lists remaining closeout stock.
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Part No: Description: Price: 1112 Basic DiaGuider $249.00 1122 Deluxe DiaGuider 379.00 1235 VersAgonal all-in one accessory 1495.00 * 1262 Second built-in VersAgonal Barlow (2x) instead of telecompressor add 79.00 * 1263 3x Barlow instead of telecompressor add 99.00 * 1501 MicroStar focusing attachment 69.00 1502 Custom Calibration of MicroStar 10.00 * 1504 Focus Lens for VersaFocus (1.4x Barlow) 99.00 * 1532 4 cm extender for 1.25 inch eyepiece 25.00 * 1552 VersaScope adapter with 2x Barlow for use of DiaGuider on various lenses. (Requires reverse T-adapter, not incl.) 249.00 * 1553 VersaScope adapter with 2x Barlow for use of DiaGuider on ED Nikkor lens. (Requires Nikon BR3 ring, not included) 249.00 * 1561 0.6x CCD Telecompressor 249.00 * 1601 Stop ring for 1.25 inch eyepiece 12.00 1603 VersaFocus Focuser and CCD camera adapter (Must be used w/28.5 mm thread optics) 149.00 * 1610 Universal CCD camera adapter/previewer 79.00 1625 VersAdapter multi function adapter 39.00 1626 Custom Length for VersAdapter add 30.00 * 1633 1.25 inch C-Mount Adapter 39.00 1637 1.25 inch T-adapter 39.00 1639 T-adapter for 2 inch focuser 39.00 1643 Short QRel. T-Adapter for Questar 3.5 99.00 * 1666 T-adapter for Celestron/Meade 39.00 1600 VersAgonal or DiaGuider without Telescope T-adapter, subtract: 20.00 Shipping and handling: for VersAgonal $12.00 for DiaGuider or optics 6.00 for simple adapters 5.00 * The VersAgonal, VersaScope ED Nikkor lens adapter, and CCD telecompressor, and some other products are special order items, subject to relatively long delivery times. Please contact Versacorp about anticipated delivery time on all desired items.
All prices are in U.S. Dollars, payable by check, money order, or PayPal in U.S. funds. California residents please add applicable sales tax. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice. It is recommended that customers inquire about product availability before ordering. For items that are not in the Versacorp price list above (e.g. items on the linked Nerdabilia(TM) or closeout sale web pages, etc), please inquire about availability of each desired item and its shipping cost prior to ordering. SOME items on linked web pages cannot be shipped outside the United States. Thank you.
Please make all checks or money orders payable to "Jeffrey R. Charles".
For all PayPal payments, please use jcharles *at* versacorp.com as the payment ID address, except substitute the "at" (@) symbol for the spaces, asterisks, and the word "at". There is a $2 charge to offset PayPal costs on orders under $30, but no additional charge for PayPal orders that are equal to or above $30, not counting shipping.
Please send all orders via PayPal to jcharles *at* versacorp dot com
However, please do not submit any order for any item until it has been verified via E-mail that a given product is still in stock. Product lists generally are not updated after each sale.
Jeffrey R. Charles
Sunland, CA 91104
Phone: (626) 398-4573
E-mail orders or questions to: sales *at* versacorp dot com
(Please note that this is NOT the PayPal payment address.)
Multiple item orders for standard Versacorp products require only one shipping and handling charge which is applicable to the ordered item having the highest shipping charge. For example, the total shipping charge for an order including both a DiaGuider and the universal CCD camera adapter is only $6.00.
Shipping and handling charges are the same for continental U.S. and Canadian orders. Other foreign orders are sent by air with shipping collect. F.O.B. Pasadena, CA. Prices do not include duty and taxes that may be imposed by your country. Orders from some foreign countries cannot be accepted. These countries are generally those that other companies and numerous eBay sellers indicate they will not sell or ship to. Please inquire if in doubt.
The DiaGuider and VersAgonal include an adapter for a 1.25 inch focuser, a 2 inch focuser, or 2 inch - 24 thread Celestron or Meade Cassegrain telescopes. Please specify telescope when ordering. To order a DiaGuider or VersAgonal without a T-adapter for your telescope, subtract $20.00.
The distance from the back of the T-thread on a DiaGuider or VersAgonal to the focal plane is 55 mm, which is the standard distance from the front of a T-ring to the focal plane of a 35 mm camera. Most CCD cameras will require the universal CCD camera adapter. This adapter attaches to CCD cameras having either a T-thread or a 1-1/4 inch sleeve. 35 mm cameras and interchangeable lens digital cameras require a T-ring. These are typically available at your local camera store. Other solutions are applicable to digital cameras with lenses that cannot be removed.
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Some Versacorp products started out as Jeffrey R. Charles' amateur astrophotography projects. Above are patents for some of his inventions, shown with related prototypes and products. From left to right are the VersAgonal; the spear prism VersaGuider insert and a low profile guider based on it; all-sky and panoramic capture reflectors; the DiaGuider with a filter/optic drawer attachment; a built-in finder and filter/optic drawer for the VersAgonal; and an Afocal Telescope Converter for Binoculars. Versacorp currently offers most of the above items, but exclusive or nonexclusive licenses are available for all of these patents as well as additional product designs. For all you ATM's, a more detailed description of how and why some of these gadgets were invented can be seen in Jeffrey R. Charles' Astrophotographer's Journal |
Steps to a Successful Eclipse Expedition, by Jeffrey R. Charles
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© Copyright 1984, 1987, 1997, 1998, 2007, 2009, 2017 Jeffrey R. Charles. All Rights Reserved.
To E-mail Sales at Versacorp: sales *at* versacorp.com
To E-mail Jeffrey R. Charles: jcharles *at* versacorp.com
If it's innovative, it's Versacorp! (TM)
First modified: 18 May, 1997
Text last modified: 16 Aug, 2009
Order info and related notices last modified: 19 Dec. 2017
Click here to see the archived old version of 14 Oct., 1998.