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All items sold "as is" (no returns).
All items are subject to prior sale or other changes in availability without notice.
Prices do not include shipping and are subject to change without notice.
(Average shipping & handling charge will be ~$4.00)
Please contact: sales *at* versacorp *dot* com
List last updated: 16 Aug. 2009

ORDERING: PayPal payment address is the E-mail address shown above, but with the "at" symbol substituted for the spaces, asterisks, and the word at. For other ordering instructions, please see lower part of Versacorp Astro Accessories web page. Please inquire about availability of a given item and its shipping cost prior to ordering. SOME items on this particular web page cannot be shipped outside the United States. Thank you.

Condition codes:
3=Some Defects
4=Substantial Defects
5=Beat (may not work)

Simple Telescope Accessories:

Key to listings:
Product No./ Description/ Condition/ Quantity in Stock/ Regular Price/ Sale Price Each

Telescope Adapters:

Product No./ Description/ Condition/ Quantity in Stock/ Regular Price/ Sale Price Each

Optical Telescope Accessories:

Product No./ Description/ Condition/ Quantity in Stock/ Regular Price/ Sale Price Each

Optical Components; Achromatic Lenses:

F.L. in mm/ Diameter/ Coating/ Condition/ Quantity in Stock/ Price Each Additional lenses are gradually being added to this list. Stay tuned!

Optical Components; Prisms & Mirrors:

Type/ Metric Entrance Face Dimensions (mm)/ Coating/ Condition/ Surface S & D Finish/ Quantity in Stock/ Price Each Additional prisms & mirrors are gradually being added to this list. Stay tuned!

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Document originated 20 June, 1996.
Document last modified 16 Aug. 2009